Community Aspirations
The Latrobe Health Advocate hears from people in the community every day. These conversations have occurred at group meetings, over a cup of coffee at a café, in her office and at peoples’ homes. She has visited Neighbourhood Houses and learning centres across Latrobe and visited workplaces and health service providers.
By far, one of the most popular ways that she has heard the voice of communities has been while travelling on the buses. The onset of COVID-19 in early 2020 has meant that these conversations have not taken place and are likely not to occur this year. What has taken their place are the conversations had over Facetime, ZOOM, Teams and various other online platforms. Telephone and video calls are now the norm.
The Advocate reports back to community on the conversations she has had and usually highlights the Top 5 aspirations for that quarter. There are many more that have been identified and these are also appreciated as they provide a rich picture of what people in Latrobe are striving for. Those we have identified to date are: